The Deluxe Survival Kit Is Excellent for Being Prepared for a 72 Hour Emergency Situation

An emergency survival kit with the right amount of supplies for a seventy two hour time period is an excellent method of being prepared ahead of time. Hopefully you will never have to use any emergency supplies ever, but if in the case that an emergency did break out, you would be ready ahead of time and be able to increase your chances of survival. The most important of all supplies is fresh drinking water. This is not very arguable since the human body is automatically losing 3 quarts of water per day.

If your area provides a hot climate then the body loses even more than 3 quarts of water per day. The human body cannot sustain existence for more than an average of 3 days without water. Since the human body needs water on a daily basis and it cannot exist without hydration for more than 72 hours, at an absolute minimum there should be three days worth of emergency water packed in your survival pack. The next most important thing will depend on the situation you are involved in.

The supplies available should be well in stock packed in a back-pack ready to go. In the situation where you would need to escape or evacuate you will be ready in advance. Having all of the supplies necessary for a three day time period is great so whatever comes up you will be prepared ahead of time. The Deluxe survival kit is excellent for a 72 hour time period. It has all of the essential survival products necessary plus more. The food bars and the emergency water have a five year shelf life so you can keep them well in stock without worrying about spoilage. All of the necessary tools, first aid, temporary shelter, warming and emergency lighting products are all supplied in the Deluxe Survival Kit.

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Basic Preparedness for Seniors, and People Living With Disabilities

With the cold weather of winter gripping most of the United States, it is a reminder for the need for all of us, especially seniors, to be prepared. We consider that the need to be prepared ranges from a flu epidemic to an extended power outage to evacuation due to flooding or other natural events or emergencies. While we often think that these things happen to other people, or in other communities, not our own, there is no time to prepare like the present.

Much has been written on emergency preparedness, yet many of us procrastinate on following through with the suggestions. Seniors, people with disabilities, and parents of children with special needs have a few additional necessities to consider before emergencies occur. Taking time now to really think about what conditions an emergency will include can make the difference between the discomfort of surviving an emergency and catastrophe in the event of emergency. Here are a few recommendations for preparedness:

1) Copies of prescriptions should be made and it is important to try to have these scripts filled in advance so you do not run out. This also applies to medical supplies such as diabetes testing strips, insulin needles and oxygen. If your doctor tells you to get a flu shot, do so. It does not guarantee you will not get the flu, but it increases your chances of not getting it, or getting a lighter version of it. As a general practice, proactively wash your hands often, and avoid getting close to people who are known to be sick, whether they are coughing, sneezing or complaining of flu symptoms. Often sick people do not stay home.

2) In the event that your power does go out, hypothermia may be a problem in the winter and for this reason, seniors or disabled persons should be checked on regularly during the emergency. If you use a CPAP machine, it will not work unless you have a back up battery or generator. Make sure the battery is charged and if using a generator, make sure to have fuel and only use it outside. Contact your electric company now and let them know your medical needs require electricity. To do so, you will need your doctor to fill out paperwork indicating your needs for electricity. This will put you in a priority group so if the power goes out, your medical condition will be taken into account giving you special consideration at the top of the list.

3) Good planning includes preparing for any situation. Devise a plan with family and friends in case of an emergency. Those with weakened immune systems are sensitive to extreme temperatures and if there is no heat or air conditioning, may need to leave their home and go to stay with relatives or even a hotel. Check with your county government or local Red Cross to see if there are shelters or centers open for situations like this. Transportation should be arranged, just in case. Adults should make sure they have copies of their bank statements, wills, insurance information as well as photo identification. For children, it is suggested to have a copy of their birth certificate, as well as, a small toy or stuffed animal to give comfort in a scary emergency situation.

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